MLM Marketing – Your Time Is Limited!
Don’t waste a day, as you never know when your time is up. Have a great day! Eric Connect with Me:
Don’t waste a day, as you never know when your time is up. Have a great day! Eric Connect with Me:
Pretty powerful and encouraging! Women can do amazing things working together! Have a great day! Eric Connect with Me:
As a Conscious person, you can’t afford to get caught up in the currents of bad moods, upsets, disappointments, blaming others, self-pity and hostility. These thoughts (vibrations) emanate out from you like a giant magnet, and the stronger the feeling,…
Rejection is part of daily life for entrepreneurs. There is always going to be somebody that for some reason, doesn’t like or support what you do. It’s crucial that you don’t allow the fear of rejection to become a stopping…
A reminder to never give up!
What are you attracted to? We live in an attraction-based universe. All the spiritual documents on earth say something to the effect of “ask and it is given”. But, we don’t realize that everything we do is essentially “asking”. Your…
Flexibility gives you options and options give you power. What kind of power? Being flexible give you the power to connect to people, which then leads to the power of influence. This is critical. Intuitively you know that connecting with…
Learn to Laugh…. Almost all of the happy, successful people I’ve ever met have an ability to laugh at themselves. One advantage of learning to laugh at yourself is that you have an endless source of entertainment at your disposal!…
Don’t find fault, Find a Remedy. – Henry Ford Turn Complaints Into Requests Or Action One of the most powerful moves you can make in your year of conscious living is learning to turn your complaints into requests or action….
Many of you keep yourself trapped in a cycle of negativity by approaching life with a “what’s in it for me?” mentality. This way of looking at the world puts you in a consumer mode that guarantees that you will…