Struggling Online? I’m sure you know that you have roughly 8 seconds before your visitor leaves, so here are 8 elements we found on 53 sites that were most common to be missing.
1. The banner above the fold: Add a great headline (what your site purpose is), banner image (try and get a great emotional image here) and sub-headline (Why they should do what your site does, like buy, sign up, etc)
2. The call to action: Use a strong call to action button with words that inspire urgency and make sure your visitors don’t have to scroll to click on it!
3. Credibility: Add credibility to your site through publication and partnership logos.
4. Bullet points: Use bullet points to help your audience easily digest your information quickly at a glance. Keep it simple!
5. Images: Use clear beautiful images to sell your product. Don’t use images that are obviously stock images. Bonus points if you use images of human faces.
6. Testimonials/Reviews/Happy Customers: Gather personal testimonials from your customers and make sure to display them.
7. Contact: Give them an easy way to contact you. Have a phone number? Make sure it’s on every page.
8. Exit Intent Pop up: If you don’t convert on the first try, an exit intent pop up starts a funnel that will allow you to keep marketing to your visitors.
Want to see it in image format. Check out this killer infographic by Groovejar:
Thanks GrooveJar for a great infographic!!
Hope this helps break down a few simple items to check on your site to make sure you are optimizing your website success.
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